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Friday, March 2, 2012

5 Tips for Overcoming Dental Fear

Some people continuously postpone their dental treatments, mainly because they struggle with fear of the dentist

They cannot stand the white robe of the dentist, the tools and machinery existent in the office, so they prefer not to visit the dentist at all. 

Quite often however, it happens that a simple decay will transform into a very complex oral health problem, and then the patient needs to pay even more money in order to get proper treatment. 
The following are a few useful tips that will help you fight off dentist phobia:

1. Dentist Phobia: At your own pace. 
Make sure to ask the dentist to allow you to arrive for the dental exams whenever it is convenient to you, and to give you a little bit of “comfort zone” time right before starting the treatment. Those few extra minutes will help greatly reducing the fear and the panic you feel when entering the dental office.

2. Dental Phobia: A certain degree of control. 
When your dentist is performing a treatment, and you start to feel somewhat uncomfortable, raise your hand in order for the dentist to stop for a while. Discuss with your dentist, and ask him to agree with this type of signaling. This will certainly help you feel more in control when you are sitting in that dentist chair.

3. Fear of Dentist: Tell your dentist everything. 
If you have gone through a traumatic dental experience in the past, let him know. Dental offices are much better equipped with modern technology and truly efficient pain relievers and your dentist can help.

4. Dental Anxiety: Alternative dental treatments. 
Hypnotherapy and sedation dentistry are two methods through which pain can be controlled extremely efficiently. Talk to your dentist about these options, and see if any of these can be applied in your case. Especially Hypnotherapy helps relieving dental anxiety and panic attacks. 

5. Dental Phobia: Try to relax. 
If your dentist is a friendly professional, talking to him right before the dental treatment starts, could make you extremely comfortable. Then if you believe that music can distract you a little bit, plug in your earphones during the dental treatment and let yourself carried away by the tunes a little.

20 Tips To Reverse Your Trend Of Failure And Succeed Finally

1 Admit that you have failed. Make yourself a commitment to
reverse those failures. Work on it. Start with below 19 tips.

2. Attach yourself with right people.

3. Don’t ignore small tasks. Unfinished /delayed small tasks often
result in big problems.

4. Value time. No one cares your reasons for being late. Especially
your boss.

5. Don’t underestimate yourself. You are important.

6. Do what needs to be done, right now. Procrastination is not just a
problem, it can turn into a disease if you make it a habit.

7. Cultivate the habit of verifying your work. 5 more minutes of 
verification can save your hours of re-work.

8. Don't judge anyone by their first impression. Instead, analyze the

9. Be honest. This tip might have been shared a million times, but
there is a reason for it. It makes you great person.

10. Do smart work rather than hard work. Smart work is not shying away
from hard work, but finding the real reasons why you are working so
hard and automating/simplifying your hard work.

11. Don’t hurry to learn advanced topics. First make your basics strong.
Advanced topics are just extensions of basics. If your foundation is
weak, you might understand/relate things in a wrong way which is
worst than not understanding the things.

12. Try not to push yourself too hard for achieving many things at same
time. Just focus on one goal and put your quality efforts towards it.

13. Make your work environment less distracting. Clean your desk, put
headphone,or put an away status in messenger. Do whatever it takes
to give yourself a productive hour. A focused hour is much better
than a 8 hours of distracted efforts.

14. Don't put hopes on luck, instead have faith in your efforts. Luck is
nothing but known outcome for your hard work.

15. Negative people are more attractive than positive people, because
they speak lots of interesting non-factual things. Best way to deal
with negative people is to stay away from them or make yourself
immune to their thoughts.

16. Always validate your important achievements with your peers. You
might surprisingly receive few valuable tips for improvements.

17. Be consistent in your efforts. Don’t expect results or appreciations

18. Don’t be a busy man. Instead, have proper work life balance. Being 
always busy robs your beautiful years from life.

19. Stop being a consumer always. Instead, try creating something of
your own.

20. Personal development blogs wont change you. They can only inspire
you. What brings the real change is your determined action.


Reduce Your Stress - Learn To Meditate

Learning to meditate is an amazing way to transform your stress and your life! Also, did you know that many of the great success & personal development gurus strongly advocate meditation as a way to help us improve, grow & achieve the life of our dreams?

The reason is, because regular meditation can be completely transformative in terms of your emotional health & well-being and the best way to reduce stress!

Regular meditation helps us to step out of our mind and away from the constant chatter which can often be tiring, negative and even self destructive. Through meditation we are able to connect with our body, and through doing so, experience the wonders of being present, thus helping us to spend more time living in the now.

Meditation also provides a safe place for us to reconnect with our emotions, which are often suppressed. It gives emotions space to come up and for us to develop an awareness of them without having to act on or follow them. This can have huge benefits for us in our normal life. We become more adept at recognising when, for example, we feel anger, and this helps us to realise we have a choice about how we behave or respond as a consequence of experiencing that emotion. We can then verbalise and dilute the emotion by saying to someone "I feel angry!", without having to let that anger take control of us. In this way we do not end up acting out the anger so strongly with possible negative consequences for all parties involved.

Meditation can help us achieve a wonderful sense of calmness and peace. It is one of the best ways to reduce stress. It helps us to become more aware of what is really "going on" in our internal world. So many of us identify so strongly with our emotions that we think our emotions are "us". We say "I am sad" or "I am angry". This can often turn into repeated patterns of negative behaviour which can cause stress, anxiety and sometimes illness. Once we realise that we are so much more than our emotions, we then empower ourselves to be able to choose our response to any given situation. This is not always easy in the beginning, but with practise we can really transform ourselves and gain freedom from destructive and stressful responses which are often the cause of our stress and anxiety.
Meditations which focus on the breath, different parts of the body or sensations which are experienced throughout the body during a session of meditation, can be very strengthening for our immune system. Eckhart Tolle (1997) in his world famous book "The Power Of Now" states that "the more consciousness you bring into the body, the stronger the immune system becomes. It is as if every cell awakens and rejoices. The body loves your attention. It is also a potent form of self healing". Meditation is a wonderful way of giving yourself the opportunity to experience this strengthening and healing of the body and therefore a great way to release stress.

Deepak Chopra (1996), in "The Seven Laws of Spiritual Success", describes meditation as a way of helping us discover who we really are. Here, we connect with "the power of the Self, or real power. When we experience the power of the Self, there is an absence of fear, there is no compulsion to control, and no struggle for approval or external power." In addition, "it draws people to you, and it also draws things that you want to you. It magnetizes people, situations, and circumstances to support your desires".

There are a whole host of other benefits which can be attributed to meditation. These benefits can affect us emotionally, physiologically, spiritually & mentally. All you need is 5 minutes to start off with and those 5 minutes can make all the difference to your stress and anxiety levels and how well you manage your busy schedule!

Four Steps to Making Life Easier on Yourself

How would you like to make life easier on yourself? So often we sabotage our own efforts and projects simply by being too self-critical, or by wanting everything to be perfect. This short article will explore four ways in which you can make life easier on yourself. If you incorporate these four things into your daily life you will find, as I did, that life becomes much easier and less stressful.

* Adopting a positive attitude- Whenever something happens that sabotages our plans, a traffic jam when you are on your way to an important meeting, for example, try to be positive. Instead of worrying about the time try to use it preparing yourself for the meeting. Think of possible answers to the questions you might be asked. At the very least try to look at these unforseen situations as nature giving you some space.

* Self-talk-What do you say when you talk to yourself. When most of us make a mistake, or things don't go as planned the tendency is to start thinking, I've done it again, when will I do things right. This puts us in a frame of mind that anticipates failure and wreaks havoc on our self-concept. If you fail, and most likely you will, tell yourself that it's ok, it is a learning curve. Then get right back to trying again. Go easy on yourself and try giving yourself a boost. Remember that your self-talk influences how you see yourself, if you think of yourself as a failure then you set yourself up for it. Go take a break. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again, as the song says.

* Perfection-you don't have to be perfect. This is a sure fire way of inviting problems into your life. Perfectionists are great procrastinators, they find it hard to finish a job because it doesn't meet with their standards. Sometimes the only way to get things done is to tell yourself that the job is good enough. You have done your best, none of us are perfect. Let it go.

* Gratitude-be grateful for what you have and who you are. Make a promise to write down in your diary three things that you are thankful for every day. See your attitude change and watch as your life becomes easier.
There you are. Four steps to making your life easier. If you start using these strategies on a daily basis it won't be long before you will find yourself less stressed and situations less stressful. You will be making life easier for yourself.

Law of Attraction: Do You Know About The Power Of Flow?

Flow is the quality of ease that can be integrated into a life to give it the look and feel of almost effortless achievement. It's not as elusive as it may seem. We all know people who go through life attracting opportunity after opportunity; or those who have a knack for being at the right place at the right time to connect with the right people.

These people seem unusually lucky; life seems to favor them but in reality they have turned synchronicity and attraction into a habit where most people experience them in random fashion. Our culture has been programmed to link struggle with valor and so the tendency is to unconsciously choose struggle over ease.

This struggle mentality validates the assumptions that life is hard and you have to work hard to get make ends meet or to get ahead. It places the under-achiever in declivity while setting the high performance achiever up for burnout. This struggle mentality is a sickness that is perpetuated by both the unsuccessful and the successful. There is a high price attached to success that is adrenaline-based; there is this unending pressure to go faster, work harder, jump higher, sleep less, and do more. This model of success is very unattractive, very expensive, and is simply a more glamorous form of failure.
The high performance achiever may be relentless at first, but eventually as the burn intensifies, they begin to ask themselves, "Is this all there is?" There is a better way that leads to success that can be achieved and sustained without amputating other important aspects of yourself and your life.
Steven Lane Taylor, author of the book Row, Row, Row Your Boat; A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow", suggests that we can intentionally tap into the flow of life's benevolent energy. When we do, we begin to move gently toward our goals instead of racing past them like an Olympic runner being chased by a herd of frightened elephants. The high performance achiever is often the one who is most at risk in becoming trapped in the work harder, faster, longer paradigm.

In Steven's book, he uses the song "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" to provide a simple model for unlocking the mystery of flow.

The Importance of Goals and Goal Setting

Through the use of goals and goal setting we can get to where we want in life. The whole point of goal setting is to bridge the gap between where we are and where we want to be.

If you focus your mind on a certain goal, more than likely you will achieve it. By deciding what you want, and working towards it diligently you can accomplish everything you wish for.

A correct goal gives you all the incentive you need to grow and work towards completing the task in hand. We all have big ideas about where we want to get to in life. Here's a few simple tips on how to construct a good goal and how to stay on track for completing it.

Make It Clear and Stay Committed
The various circumstances of life can easily take you off course unless you are very clear about what you want to achieve. Set clear guidelines about what, why, when and how. By doing this you can ensure you stay committed and focused. Eliminating any outside distractions and moving towards your goal.

Take a piece of plain paper and write what you want to achieve. Then think of all the different ways you could accomplish this goal. Include the different steps you need to take and the time it will take.
Having a written plan is a vital factor in getting to where you want to be. Think of where you are now, and what you need to do to get closer to your goal. What are the first steps you must take? Are there any tasks you need to outsource? What are your strengths?
Focus on what you are good at. In areas of weakness look for guidance or advice from people with more expertise in that area. Don't waste time trying to learn something extremely difficult when it will push your goal further and further away from you.

Have Fun
One of the biggest barriers for not achieving something is having no fun. If you take the fun out of something then it becomes boring, tedious and a drag. Nobody wants to do something regularly that provides no excitement to them and that they don't enjoy. Ensure you have fun whilst working towards you goals. Without it you will quickly become de-motivated and lose focus.
We all have what we need to achieve our goals. Its been within us from day one. Focus your mind and use the simple tips above. Stay committed and ensure you are clear about what you want to accomplish.

Yoga Is a Form of Meditation

There are five different principles to yoga, with meditation being one of them. This is where there is awareness of your mind constantly. In order to perceive one's own self in a clear manner, the mind is made to focus on one particular thing so the mind will become still. If practiced regularly, meditation will let you achieve a better sense of will along with sense of purpose. It will help your mind become clear, drastically improve concentration, while discovering the tranquility and wisdom inside yourself.

What Meditation Means
When you are brought to the present - the here and the now... and kept there, you are in state of meditation. This means meditation can easily be used in your life. Meditation does not mean writing down a grocery list of things you can focus on. You just need to be acutely aware of your being and keep your mind focus and away from random thoughts. When meditating, keep in mind about living in the present or NOW.

  1. For concentration we need to focus on one object or thing: The focus could be how you breath, repeating a word out loud or in your mind, or even a sensation that is being felt inside your body. To live in the present it will involve the senses of listening, smelling, and feeling.
  2. Wandering thoughts should always come back to the object being focused on: The mind will tend to wander around when you are trying to focus on one object. This is normal so do not get discouraged with practice your mind will become quiet. The mind can be stubborn so other thoughts might creep in so instead of fighting the thoughts take a minute and acknowledge them and let them go. There is no for suppressing or trying to hide your thoughts when doing mediation. There will be times when you get distracted it is okay just go back to the original focus.
  3. When doing meditation try ignoring all sensations and thoughts that are irrelevant: You will not be taking to a new place of existence with mediation. If there are people around when you are meditating you will hear them still. The object with Meditation is to stay focused. Focusing will keep you in the NOW.
Meditation and the Benefits
The art of looking deep in your self is called Meditation and means having your mind focus while restraining from other thoughts. With practice you will learn your purpose in life and understand it better while benefiting in your mental health and physically.
As you get better with mediation you will start experiencing better mental and physical health. Some studies claim this is accomplished because of the reduction in biochemical markers and physiological. This means the heart rate will decrease, respiration rate will decrease, the stress hormone plasma cortisol is decreased, pulse rate will decrease, while the EEG for relaxation will increase. Meditation will have you in a deep relaxation state, while our mind is increased for the awareness level. This means your reactions are faster, creativity is greater, and your comprehension is improved.
More benefits:

  • Capacity in the lungs is increased
  • Immune system becomes improved
  • Nervous system is recharged
  • Stress is reduced
  • Memory becomes improved
  • Helps in aiding with asthma treatment
  • The mind becomes open
  • Compassion and patience become amplified
  • Sin, guilt, and temptation you become aware of
  • Faith in your religion becomes increased
Patience, determination, and discipline are all required with meditation. Practice makes perfect so do not think you will have all this the first time you try.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Exercises - Spirituality

Exercise One

The purpose of this self hypnosis exercise is to help you find your mission, with the assistance from your subconscious mind. In this exercise, you will also, subconsciously imprint your mission in your mind.

Allow fifteen to thirty minutes to do this exercise. You may put on some quite music in the background. Do this once a day for the next 5 days. Either:
  1. Guide yourself through the exercise.
  2. Record it and then use the recorded cassette.
  3. Ask a friend with a good voice to record it.
  4. Write to the institute for a copy of a similar tape. (In the meantime, use one of the above three options.) Remember to mention the unit and exercise number.
The "Pathway to the Mission" Programming

"Set yourself in the body position of your choice. Close your eyes, roll your eyeballs upwards and take three deep breaths, and begin to relax. Just focus on relaxing every muscle in your body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Just begin to relax. And begin to notice how very comfortable your body is beginning to feel. You are supported so you can just let go and relax. Now, for a moment notice your slow, calm, deep breathing. Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. And, every time you exhale, you become even more relaxed and at ease.

To deepen your relaxation, count backwards from twenty to one, each time visualizing the number if desired.

"Twenty . . . . Nineteen . . . Eighteen . . . Seventeen . .
Sixteen . . . . Fifteen . . . . Fourteen . . . Thirteen . . .
Twelve . . . . Eleven . . . . Ten . . . . . . Nine . . . . .
Eight . . . . . Seven . . . . . Six . . . . . . Five . . . . .
Four . . . . . Three . . . . . Two . . . . . . One . . . . . "

[ Pause for a moment]

"Now, you are very relaxed, and are ready to communicate with your subconscious. You are open to all the perceptions that come into your mind. And at the count of three, you will get some impressions. They may be in the form of some words, or in the form of pictures. These impressions will provide you the key to the mission of your life. OK, one . . . two . . . and, three . . .

[Pause for a moment]

OK, now analyse the impressions. These impressions are a communication from your subconscious mind, which wants to tell you about your purpose, about your underlying principle in life. Now, put this principle in a short, concise sentence. Do this now at the count of three. OK, one . . . two . . . and, three . . .

[Pause for a moment]

Yes, this is your mission. This is your purpose in the universal game of life. You were provided with a bodily vehicle to serve this mission. Now, for the next one minute, I want you to concentrate on a symbol of your mission. It may be somebody’s face, or some written words, or any other visual reminder. For the next one minute, you will think only of this symbol. So, go ahead and concentrate on the symbol of your mission.

[Pause for one minute]
Ok, let go of that symbol. Your mission has been imprinted on your entire body and mind. From now on, you will act in accordance with your mission. All your actions will be directed towards fulfilling this mission."

[Pause for a moment]
"Now, I am going to count from 1 to 3, and at the count of 3 you will open your eyes, feeling, light, refreshed, revitalized, energetic, wonderful, happy and cheerful, feeling better than before. Now, 1, coming out slowly. 2, yes, coming out now. 3, Open your eyes feeling light refreshed and revitalized, happy and cheerful, feeling much better than before."

Exercise Two

The purpose of this self hypnosis exercise is to help you to seek the guidance of your higher self to solve a problem you face in your life, or for some other information that may benefit you in some way. For this exercise, you have to sit on a chair and table, with a note-pad and pen in hand. Before starting the exercise, write a question on the note book, and during the session, allow your subconscious to provide you the answer to your question. As you progress into the exercise, your subconscious will take over the control of the pen from you, and start writing by itself.

Allow fifteen to thirty minutes to do this exercise. You may put on some quite music in the background. Do this once a day for the next 5 days. Either:
  1. uide yourself through the exercise.
  2. Record it and then use the recorded cassette.
  3. Ask a friend with a good voice to record it.
  4. Write to the institute for a copy of a similar tape. (In the meantime, use one of the above three options.) Remember to mention the unit and exercise number.
The "Automatic Writing" Programming

"Set yourself in the body position of your choice. Close your eyes, roll your eyeballs upwards and take three deep breaths, and begin to relax. Just focus on relaxing every muscle in your body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Just begin to relax. And begin to notice how very comfortable your body is beginning to feel. You are supported so you can just let go and relax. Now, for a moment notice your slow, calm, deep breathing. Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. And, every time you exhale, you become even more relaxed and at ease.

To deepen your relaxation, count backwards from twenty to one, each time visualizing the number if desired.

"Twenty . . . . Nineteen . . . Eighteen . . . Seventeen . .
Sixteen . . . . Fifteen . . . . Fourteen . . . Thirteen . . .
Twelve . . . . Eleven . . . . Ten . . . . . . Nine . . . . .
Eight . . . . . Seven . . . . . Six . . . . . . Five . . . . .
Four . . . . . Three . . . . . Two . . . . . . One . . . . . "

[ Pause for a moment]
"Now, you are very relaxed, and are ready to communicate with your subconscious. You are open to all the perceptions that come into your mind. Your subconscious is a vast store house of knowledge and information, which you can access as you please. It will provide you with all the answers you desire. All you have to do is be open and accept the impressions as they come. And at the count of three, you will begin to get some impressions in the form of some words. These impressions will provide you the answer to your question. OK, one . . . two . . . and, three . . . Now, begin writing down the words on the pad, as they flow out from your sub-conscious mind.

[Allow appropriate time]
Ok, let go of these impressions. Remember that you can always return to do this exercise. Your subconscious mind will always be by your side, whenever you need any guidance."

[Pause for a moment]
"Now, I am going to count from 1 to 3, and at the count of 3 you will open your eyes, feeling, light, refreshed, revitalized, energetic, wonderful, happy and cheerful, feeling better than before. Now, 1, coming out slowly. 2, yes, coming out now. 3, Open your eyes feeling light refreshed and revitalized, happy and cheerful, feeling much better than before."

Getting your Inner Self to provide you the Answers

Till now, we have concentrated on feeding the subconscious to achieve success and peak performance in various spheres of our lives. It’s now time to get something out of our inner mind.

The subconscious mind is considered to be a storehouse of all the information about our lives, even information about our previous lives. At the same time, the subconscious can serve as the key to accessing our super-conscious mind, also called the inner or the higher mind - the source of all knowledge and power, and the connecting force among all humanity.

It is widely believed among metaphysics researchers that the super-conscious mind can be a true source of guidance and help, and getting it to speak for you may be the route to greater happiness, success, and freedom. This guidance may come in the form of impressions, or perceptions (under hypnosis), or in the form of encounters with your spiritual masters and spiritual guides. You may also practice, what is called "Automatic Writing," to get answers to confusing problems from your inner mind.

The following is an account of the experiences of some of the people who have experienced such phenomenon:

Maidie Moore, Garcia, USA:

"A few years ago, I lived in Chicago. One night, while walking home from the church, I heard footsteps behind me. They crunched lightly in the frozen snow and I thought it was another woman. As I approached an alley, an inner voice said loudly, "Girl, cross the street." I didn’t respond immediately. "Do it now, don’t look back! Hurry, go toward the lights." This time I followed the instructions. When I got to the drugstore across the street, I looked back to see a tall man in dark clothes with white gym shoes standing at the entrance to the alley.
I later learned that an hour after my experience with the inner voice, a woman was pulled into that alley, robbed, raped, and beaten. The victim remembered that her attacker was a tall man wearing white gym shoes."

Lori L. Dingman, Perry, USA:

"One day, while I was involved in my normal activities, an internal voice said, ‘Within the hearts of all men burns the flame of the Christ spirit." I thought that what very poetic. (I’m not a poet.) So, I got a pen and paper and wrote it down. No sooner had I written it down that my hand took off and started writing without any effort from my side. The words came so fast, I could barely keep up with the dictation (from my inner self.) Since then, I have taken to using a typewriter during my Automatic Writing sessions. It is the only way I can keep up. The following are some samples of the messages I’ve received:

Lori: "Where have I known my mother before?"

"You have known your mother in many lifetimes. The last time you were together, you were the mother and she was the daughter. Much of that relationship has carried over from a seventh century lifetime in Greece."

Lori: "What is the message for today?"

"Today, we wish to talk about the nature of man’s free will. Free will was given by the creator so that man would be able to express love to his fullest potential. This is a double-edged blade, however. As well as having free expression, man also has the ability to abuse it. When fear entered human consciousness, free will turned from a loving, joyful expression to one of ignorance and doubt. The expression of free will produced all the lower emotions. Man saw himself as separate from God and separate from all his brothers and sisters. This was the fall from grace, the figurative ‘eating of the forbidden fruit.’ Yes, it was a sad thing, but there was still hope, still time to return to the true self.

It saddens us greatly to see all that goes on every day on the beautiful jewel known as Earth. There is so much negativity that it looks to us like a dense black fog penetrating everything on the planet.
Now is the time for mankind’s awakening, however, and a few lights are beginning to penetrate the dense fog. This is why you must unite with others of like minds and hearts. Together, you can break up the negativity. Think of these things. Meditate on them, and unite as brothers and sisters of the light. Herald the New Age by remembering your true-self, your God-self. There is no separation from God. There never has been."

Everybody is very much capable of receiving and understanding such psychic perceptions, according to prominent psychic researcher, Dick Sutphen. Sutphen compares acquiring psychic capabilities to his learning to play tennis. He says, just as tennis, any person who is willing to spend some time and energy, and follow the principles, can learn to receive impressions from "the other side." Of course, there are some "naturals," who acquire the skill more rapidly than others, but everybody can reach his desired level of proficiency by consistent practice.

Before we actually do the exercises, let us first discuss some guidelines which are helpful in speeding up the process of successfully receiving psychic impressions.

  1. Learn to let go of all fear based emotions, like anger, selfishness, jealousy greed, possessiveness, guilt, envy, anxiety, insecurity, inhibitions, blame, malice and resentment. As we let go of such feelings, we raise our level of awareness to the unlimited possibilities in our lives.

  2. Learn to express unconditional love. This is the other side of letting go of fear and fear based emotions. As you become free of such negative emotions, you will learn to accept others without judgment, without prejudice, and without blame.

  3. While explaining the analogy between learning Tennis, and acquiring psychic perceptions, Sutphen says that a few day into his practicing Tennis, he realized that he played best when he just let it happen. It was as if he had surrendered control to some inner force who was actually playing the game. Similarly, trying too hard is not the answer for developing psychic abilities. Let it happen. Gradually, as you become accustomed to the process, it will become more and more satisfying.

  4. Don’t have any pre-session expectations about what you are going to experience, because having such expectations would make it difficult for you to accept your impressions. Be open and avoid the trap of "I won’t accept it unless it happens the way I expect it to."

  5. In the beginning, you may feel that your mind is making up these impressions, or that these are just a fantasy. Learn to trust your perceptions even if you think you are making them up.

  6. inally, depth of hypnotic trance is not a factor in determining the accuracy of the impressions. Even under a very light trance, you can get very vivid impressions if you are open-minded.

Your Mission in Life

There is nothing more fulfilling or powerful, for achieving your goals in life, than waking up each morning filled with a sense of purpose and mission.
If your life isn’t as passionate as you would have liked it to be, if you lack the zest and energy for living, it’s probably because of a lack of an underlying principle around which one’s life should be organized.

The process of discovering this underlying principle or mission may be the most powerful thing you’ll ever do for yourself, because it will give your life a direction, a purpose. It will provide you the clarity and focus, that could awaken the unbelievable forces hidden somewhere deep inside you. Because, once you are clear in what you want, you don’t have to waste time and energy, trying to take even the most minute decisions with anxiety and doubt.
In this chapter, we are going to discuss the concept of life mission, and help you find this underlying principle. We’re going through a step by step procedure, exploring your feelings and options, and by the end of this discussion, you should have a fairly solid tool you could immediately employ in your life, to give it a meaningful direction.

Your mission in life goes much beyond your work or career. Perhaps, you’ll discover that your mission has very little to do with just money making activities, and your job or career is just a support system for attaining your true higher purpose.
There are three steps to the process of discovering your life purpose:

  1. Understanding the Principle of Choice.
  2. Creating your Underlying Principle.
  3. Align your life with the Underlying Principle.
At the completion of this process, you should have a powerful personal philosophy, and a step by step method for defining your life plan in writing.

Understanding the Principle of Choice

Norman Vincent Peale had this to say about the power of choice: "The greatest power we have, is the power of choice. It’s an actual fact, that if you’ve been groping under unhappiness, you can choose to be joyous, instead. And, by effort, lift yourself into joy. If you tend to be fearful, you can overcome that misery by choosing to have courage. The whole trend and the quality of anyone’s life is determined by the choices that are made."
Choosing is the most important activity of your mind, because by making a choice, you are proclaiming your desires to your subconscious mind. Once the subconscious gets to know your desires, it is going to do anything to manifest them in your life. The choices you make in your life become your goal. And, if you are sincere in pursuing them, there is no reason why you should not accomplish them.

Indecision, on the other hand, not only creates frustration and anxiety, but can also lead to confusing the subconscious mind about what you want.
But, it is important that the choices you make are made by you, in accordance with you true desires, purpose and aptitude. A lot of us let others make choices for us, or make our choices according to what we think is "correct," even if that meant that we go against our wishes. This is a dangerous trap, that a lot of us fall into. And, this is probably the most important reason why we struggle to find true purpose and true happiness in life. What’s right for someone else may not be right for you, and the way to know this is listening to what your heart says.
So, to begin with, make a list of things which interest you; things which you have always enjoyed, which come effortlessly to you, which make you feel better and fuller, which inspire you to surge ahead, no matter what obstacles you face. Do you like doing something creative, or something artistic? Do you enjoy nature, do you like the sea? Do you enjoy helping others? Do you get pleasure out of making a difference in other people’s life? Whatever it is that interests you, go ahead and list them in the space below:

  • Things you love to do What is it that you love in this thing & Why?
  • How could you do this for money, and make a living out of it?
Creating your Underlying Principle

The next step is to examine the list you just made and find out if there is any recurring theme. Maybe, it’s contribution that keeps coming up, or an effort to seek love, or an effort to give love, or helping your parents cope with old age. Whatever it is, try to identify the central theme of the things you love to do, and try to put it in a short and precise statement. This will be your Mission Statement. It may even be a quote from a famous person, or a philosophy that has influenced you. Of course, as you grow up, this statement could evolve, but its soul will remain the same. Now, write down your Mission Statement in the space below:

Align your life with the Underlying Principle

The final step in this journey is to map your path to your purpose. Make the little changes in your life-style, that would accommodate this principle in your life. Live this principle each and every day. It might take a few days, but you’ll certainly feel the difference in your enthusiasm for life. If you realize that you love being admist nature, plan out a holiday. You don’t have to do anything drastic to satisfy your mission. Maybe, an outing with your children could be enough to recoup your energy. On the other hand, you might even want to change your job, or start a new business, that is more in line with your mission. Remember "Do what you love, and money will follow."

Exercises - Relationships

Exercise One


The aim of this exercise is to develop a mechanism to ease tensions between you and your partner. In this exercise, you will, in consultation with your spouse or lover, develop a "Pattern Interrupt," which will be designed to ease out tensions between you and your partner, whenever such a situation arises.
Discuss with your partner and find a gesture that could be made or a phrase that could be said when things get really heated up. Make sure that this is really bizarre and humorous, so that no matter how serious a confrontation becomes, it could ease out the tensions. For instance, you could decide on something like holding your nose and saying something funny. The point is to, for a moment, divert the attention of your partner away from the confrontation, and into something light and humorous. Use such pattern for a few times to reinforce it.

Exercise Two


This self hypnosis exercise is designed to assist you in attracting the right person to you.


Allow fifteen to thirty minutes to do this exercise. You may put on some quite music in the background. Do this once a day for the next five days. Either:
  1. Guide yourself through the exercise.
  2. Record it and then use the recorded cassette.
  3. Ask a friend with a good voice to record it.
  4. Write to the institute for a copy of a similar tape. (In the meantime, use one of the above three options.) Remember to mention the unit and exercise number.
The "Attract Love" Programming

"Set yourself in the body position of your choice. Close your eyes, roll your eyeballs upwards and take three deep breaths, and begin to relax. Just focus on relaxing every muscle in your body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Just begin to relax. And begin to notice how very comfortable your body is beginning to feel. You are supported so you can just let go and relax. Now, for a moment notice your slow, calm, deep breathing. Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. And, every time you exhale, you become even more relaxed and at ease.
To deepen your relaxation, count backwards from twenty to one, each time visualizing the number if desired.
"Twenty . . . . Nineteen . . . Eighteen . . . Seventeen . .
Sixteen . . . . Fifteen . . . . Fourteen . . . Thirteen . . .
Twelve . . . . Eleven . . . . Ten . . . . . . Nine . . . . .
Eight . . . . . Seven . . . . . Six . . . . . . Five . . . . .
Four . . . . . Three . . . . . Two . . . . . . One . . . . . "

[ Pause for a moment]

"Once again notice your slow and regular breathing. Inhale and exhale. Now in your mind, repeat after me the following words which will be imprinted into your subconscious and assist you in attracting the right person to you.
I am building into my reality the type of man/woman I desire.
[Insert "Relationship Desire" statement]
[Insert "Relationship Contribution" statement]

I know he/she wants me, and I want him/her. I have wonderful gifts to offer to him/her. I am honest, sincere, loving and kind. I have a strong will, a joyous heart, a healthy body and a vibrant mind to share with him/her. He/she offers me the same. It is mutual. I give and I receive. Divine intelligence knows where this man/woman is, and the deeper wisdom of my subconscious mind is now bringing both of us together, and we instantly recognize each other."

[Pause for a moment]

"Now, I will provide you with some very powerful suggestions, which will be accepted by your subconscious mind and acted upon. At this relaxed level, your subconscious is open and receptive to positive suggestions. So relax and allow these words to flow into your subconscious mind. They will stay there and work from there for you. (Each repeated 2 times)
You express yourself freely and you experience acceptance from the man/woman you desire.
You are very attractive to men/women.
You are creating the ideal relationship for yourself because you are willing to love and be loved.
All the qualities you possess are attractive to men/women you desire. Your inner strength and magnetism shine forth in all that you do sending out all the right vibrations to attract a satisfying relationship for you.
All that you desire and deserve, you can attain through the inner strength that is empowering you now.
It is your birth right to enjoy life completely and share all the joys life has to offer with someone you love and someone who loves you.
You radiate the positive energies to which men/women are attracted to.
You are perfect, your body is perfect, your mind is perfect.
You use mind reprogramming techniques daily.
These powerful affirmations have been communicated to every level of your body and mind. You are open to these communications, which you will accept and act upon. They are powerful and they help you enhance your energy and enthusiasm to unimaginable levels."

[Pause for a moment]

"Now, I am going to count from 1 to 3, and at the count of 3 you will open your eyes, feeling, light, refreshed, revitalized, energetic, wonderful, happy and cheerful, feeling better than before. Now, 1, coming out slowly. 2, yes, coming out now. 3, Open your eyes feeling light refreshed and revitalized, happy and cheerful, feeling much better than before."

Exercise Three

This self hypnosis exercise is designed to assist you in revitalizing your love life.

Allow fifteen to thirty minutes to do this exercise. You may put on some quite music in the background. Do this once a day for the next five days. Either:
  1. Guide yourself through the exercise.
  2. Record it and then use the recorded cassette.
  3. Ask a friend with a good voice to record it.
  4. Write to the institute for a copy of a similar tape. (In the meantime, use one of the above three options.) Remember to mention the unit and exercise number.
The "Revitalize your Relationship" Programming

"Set yourself in the body position of your choice. Close your eyes, roll your eyeballs upwards and take three deep breaths, and begin to relax. Just focus on relaxing every muscle in your body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Just begin to relax. And begin to notice how very comfortable your body is beginning to feel. You are supported so you can just let go and relax. Now, for a moment notice your slow, calm, deep breathing. Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. And, every time you exhale, you become even more relaxed and at ease.
To deepen your relaxation, count backwards from twenty to one, each time visualizing the number if desired.
"Twenty . . . . Nineteen . . . Eighteen . . . Seventeen . .
Sixteen . . . . Fifteen . . . . Fourteen . . . Thirteen . . .
Twelve . . . . Eleven . . . . Ten . . . . . . Nine . . . . .
Eight . . . . . Seven . . . . . Six . . . . . . Five . . . . .
Four . . . . . Three . . . . . Two . . . . . . One . . . . . "

[ Pause for a moment]

"Now, I will provide you with some very powerful suggestions, which will be accepted by your subconscious mind and acted upon. At this relaxed level, your subconscious is open and receptive to positive suggestions. So relax and allow these words to flow into your subconscious mind. They will stay there and work from there for you. (Each repeated 2 times)
You are ready to give and receive unconditional love with total commitment.
You are a unique and totally lovable person and deserve all the gifts of a wonderful, loving relationship.
You embrace the paradox of relationship - pain and joy. You learn from both of them.
Your partner supports your individuality and independence, and together you balance being together and being apart.
Relationships work when love and the willingness to grow are present. You create a loving, growing and totally successful relationship.
You express yourself freely and experience acceptance from your partner.
The struggles of life strengthen the basis of your relationship.
Your love is the source of your inspiration to succeed in life.
You respect your partners values and beliefs and receive the same.
You use mind reprogramming techniques daily.
These powerful affirmations have been communicated to every level of your body and mind. You are open to these communications, which you will accept and act upon. They are powerful and they help you enhance your energy and enthusiasm to unimaginable levels."

[Pause for a moment]

"Now, I am going to count from 1 to 3, and at the count of 3 you will open your eyes, feeling, light, refreshed, revitalized, energetic, wonderful, happy and cheerful, feeling better than before. Now, 1, coming out slowly. 2, yes, coming out now. 3, Open your eyes feeling light refreshed and revitalized, happy and cheerful, feeling much better than before."